MERCHANTS OF INFINITY is a merchant trading game, with a steampunk twist, set in spaaaace! Players are influential merchants on the fractal space station Mandelbrot, who send their traders (meeples) out into the Technobazaar, where they collect resources to fulfil valuable ship orders, complete side-quests and gain extra advantages to score the most platinum and win the game! From the creative team that brought you TOP HATS AND TREACHERY, get ready to plan, scheme, laugh and rake in the rewards as you become the best MERCHANTS OF INFINITY!
The amazing SELWYN from BOARD'S EYE VIEW has created a wonderful 3D experience of seeing the game! You can click on the photo above to enter the rabbit hole and also check out his review of the game HERE!
Merchants Of Infinity (MOI) is at heart a Euro-style worker-placement / resource-management / set-collection game, wrapped around the theme of space adventures and steampunk inventions.
Trader meeples can be placed on resources spaces (Eg: Tech, Souvenirs, Ore), sent to the Space Docks to collect a Ship Order, go to the Vortex Bar to collect a bonus side-quest, hire an extra Apprentice trader, visit Station spaces for extra advantages or (in a more player-vs-player) game, visit the optional Nova spaces to enact shenanigans against their rivals.
If you miss out on the combination that you wanted, you can bid at the Auction for an extra resource or go to the Steam Lab at the heart of the station and combine your resources to make and sell a mad steampunk invention to earn you platinum instead!
This is a great "safety net" so that everyone can achieve something each turn and you always feel like you're accomplishing something!
Every game is different and there is loads of replayability because every round, the Market wheel turns and the values of the goods changes, plus the Fractal Mirror introduces new effects each turn (eg: temporarily blocking a resource or giving bonus points to ship orders). It really feels great when you find a winning combination and plan out your strategy to succeed in a record-size profit!
You can download an "in-progress" copy of our rules HERE. Since then, we've been working with playtesters and rules editors to iron out any ambiguities, add extra explanation - and there is all the bonus content and expansion pack information to finalise, as well as extra content from the special "Legendary" and "Notorious" pledges and, of course, the names of the backers! Sebastian has been brilliant at pulling everything together and we will be producing the final version once the campaign is complete, so think this version but MUCH BETTER, really clear and with lots of extra material.
As a quick summary of the game and in honour of the first ever "gamer's game" that was close to my heart, let me ask and answer a question: What is the best thing about MERCHANTS OF INFINITY?
High-quality components (eg: 300gsm White-core card, with plans to upgrade to Black Core with linen-finish), amazing graphics, everything that you need to play! The graphic design work by SEBASTIAN KOZINER and our gorgeous art from TAN HO SIM and ENGGAR ADIRASA has been absolutely excellent and really brings the game to life!
Guess who’s just arrived! Yes, we're adding even MORE to the game!
We have created several mini-expansions to add extra content and challenges, from high-risk, high-reward orders to protoplasmic ooze and space pirates! These add new dimensions to the game, allow you to bend rules and introduce extra ways to play!
THE VICTORIAN IMAGE STEAM YACHT brings in LUXURY orders: High-risk, yet high-reward, that will let you jump forwards in your score - if you can score it in time!
THE PROTEUS ASTEROID is the source of the protoplasmic OOZE that acts as a super-valuable chameleon resource which will not only fill any gap in your order requirements, but can actually be stockpiled over to another turn, allowing you an opportunity to complete multiple ship orders in a single turn!
THE TIMBERWOLF DREADNOUGHT brings high-value WEAPONTECH orders that need three goods - and a trip to the SteamLab! With a random element thrown in, you could score big!
Finally, LA DUENDE'S REVENGE is the harbinger of what else but PIRATES! No, better than that: SPACE PIRATES! No, even better than that: SPACE PIRATE GHOSTS! As they begin to haunt the station and steal loot, will you be the one to lay them to rest and steal their treasure?
If you'd like to watch a great 2-player PLAYTHROUGH of the game, please check out this video from Johannes and Sunniva of BOARD GAME RAMBLINGS!
Solo gaming is becoming more and more popular, so why not take on The Game and try to out-wit Mandelbrot yourself! THE HUNGRY GAMER did a really fun play-through of the solo mode, which had some hilarious twists and turns. Mark from NOT BORED GAMING also produced good feedback and stunning photos. Finally, I received a wonderfully detailed review from Jason Moore, famed for his DECK OF FIFTY-ONE reviews. Thank you, guys. From your feedback, I have improved the AI, adding random elements to the COGS mini-game to keep things challenging. I have also even added a special ADVERSARY MODE (suggested by my wife!), which brings new challenges, as the game itself is actually out to *get you*! This brings in more competition, adds in the Nova Spaces and more! It should really keep the Solo Mode challenging and fun to play!
Here is Jason's solo playthrough review and it is a *joy* to read. It feels like a great sci-fi short story and could be told by a visitor to Mandelbrot, hanging out and shooting the breeze!
We love our massive chunky meeples and we’re not alone! The reviewers love them!
We knew as soon as we were taking this to Kickstarter that we wanted to be able to offer the backers something really special if they wanted to upgrade their gaming experience. The first idea was deluxe metal coins. The second was 3D miniatures. The third was upgraded components.
We spent half a year on research, asked a thousand questions and this is what we've come up with:
When we saw the "GLOOMHAVEN" deluxe coin-set, we went "YES!" This was what we were thinking about for the game. A deluxe velvet bag of beautiful deluxe custom metal coins, all ready to turbo-charge your game. We'll ask the backers to help choose our metal finishes (GOLD/SILVER/BRONZE, etc).
We loved the idea of being able to offer backers not just tokens of the EXPANSION PACK ships but actual 3D models of them that they could add to their game. So... We designed. We bought 3D models. We researched. We asked many, many questions. The answers were... tough. It would take WAAAAAYYYY more than our Funding Goal (plus a massive delay) to be able to offer 3D miniatures. But then we came up with another idea.......... We give you the files. You print them yourselves. (And yes, we very quickly realised that this means that you could print yourself a FLEET of ships for your own purposes, if you so desire..! You know... for reasons...)
That's one of the odd things about MERCHANTS: It's a resource-management game without the hassle of having hundreds of resource tokens: chunks of ore, styalized bricks, etc. We'd already made AWESOME meeples, improved the coins and upgraded the ship tokens. So what was left? Oh, yes. The Expansion Pack resources...
So, we sourced delightful purple gemstones for the OOZE tokens and 3D pirate tokens! Muahahahahah!
One of the most sought-after pledges in our previous game, TOP HATS AND TREACHERY (THAT) was the change to put yourself in the game. Therefore, we created two sets of opportunities to put your own creative spin and personality on Merchants of Infinity:
First (and this was INCREDIBLY hard!) we held off naming any of the amazing characters from the Technobazaar - the ten shop owners and the six Vortex Bar contacts... because we wanted to give YOU the chance to name them yourselves and create their backstories! You'll be credited for it and have your ideas showcased in the rules book alongside the character artwork. If there's a favourite that you have, make sure to get in first! You'll work with Andrew to create their identity and see them really come to life! Want to see who we're talking about? Well, here we go!
Secondly, we have created a set of WANTED cards, which are like super-valuable BOUNTY card but very hard to get. If you go for this pledge, you'll be able to send us a suitably Steampunk or Sci-Fi photo of yourself and we'll create your very own card! You could come up with your own dastardly crime... or are you an innocent fugitive out to clear your name? It's up to you to decide!
We will be working with the excellent pledge manager GAMEFOUND to handle the logistics of collecting details and organising shipping after our campaign with GAMESQUEST to fulfil the games all around the world. Our goal is to get the game to everyone by May 2021 (COVID complications allowing) but the sooner, the better. We're also doing our best to give extra discounts where possible - see our shipping estimates below! Once the campaign has been completed, you’ll need to input your address details and add shipping to your pledge as appropriate. We'll get all the details completed and get things in motion as soon as possible, so thank you in advance for your help!
Yes, we've been on the TV again... Great thanks to Sean Evans, and Tycko Constam from OMG NEXUS / KICKING TABLES and Mark Cooke of AIRECON and BOARDGAMETV fame! It was such a pleasure to talk about MERCHANTS and get extremely geeky and excited describing how the ideas for the game came about, extra "behind-the-scenes" secrets and all about the Expansion Packs! Thanks, guys!
BoardGameTV interview: Interview starts at 49 seconds when we went live!
Please back us to keep up to date with all the latest news on the project. You can find the main game page at and our Board Game Geek page at
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Find us on Twitter at @RogueACreations
…and please, please, please help us to spread the word on social media, blogs, YouTube, BGG, Reddit, Instagram and more! MANDELBROT NEEDS YOU!
Risks and challenges
THE STORY SO FAR: MERCHANTS OF INFINITY has been in development for three years and has been through lots of improvement, playtesting, expansion, review and thousands upon thousands of hours of hard work. Gameplay has been honed, extra optional content has been developed and so much research and investigation has been done to create the best possible version of the game to get into the players’ hands. We would have loved to have been out and about at conventions, meeting & greeting people and demo’ing the game but this has, of course, not been possible due to COVID.
For this reason, we need your help more than ever to help us get the word out about MERCHANTS and make the game a success. If all goes well, we hope to see you at the UK GAMES EXPO next year! The extra content of the LEGENDARY and NOTORIOUS pledges will be completed ASAP and we’ll get everyone’s details sorted via GameFound and GamesQuest, so that we can get production and fulfilment started as soon as possible. We’re still not sure exactly what restrictions and added complications COVID will bring over the next few months but stick with us and we’ll keep you up-to-date with news and updates.
BEHOLD! The updated Kickstarter Video for MERCHANTS OF INFINITY, coming ASAP for Tuesday 22nd September!